Monday, May 20, 2013

The lovely square

Hey all you lovely guys,
So after spending our weekend apart, we met today to catch up on everything :-) 
The weather decided to be quite awesome, which allowed us to take the pictures on this beyond lovely square called "Napfplatz"! It's in the middle of the "Niderdörfli" which we've already talked about here! Definitely one of our favorite spots in Zurich! 
We've got some big exams again this week, so we probably won't have that much spare time on here!
But we'll be back soon! 
We hope you all enjoy this post and you had a lovely weekend :-)
Lots and lots of love from switzerland!

Have an amazing evening loves! :-) xxx

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The lake all for us

Hey all you lovely guys out there,
Finally - we're done with all our exams for this week which you might already now from our twitter!
We actually took these pictures yesterday morning and seriously it was sooo relaxed and awesome - There were absolutely no people! We decided to take them by the lake as this is one of our favorite spots to be, especially if the sun shines onto your face :-)
That's definitely not in our case though, the weather is kinda horrible at the moment. Fingers crossed it gets better over the weekend!
We wish you guys a lovely evening and we'll see you all in our text post!
Lots and lots of love from Zurich, 

My hair is all over my face - still thought we have to post this picture ;-) 

We hope you enjoyed this post! Have a lovely day :-) xxx

Monday, May 13, 2013

Place to be

 Hey all you lovely guys out there!
You can't imagine what a busy week we're having, so we decided to take the picture once again on the lovely "Paradeplatz". We'll be back after our big maths exam on thursday!
We hope you enjoy this post and we'll talk to you very soon :-)
Lots and lots of love from Zurich,

Have an awesome day loves! :-) xxx